What Is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day?
national ugly christmas
national ugly christmas
national ugly christmas
national ugly christmas
national ugly christmas

What is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day?

Have the holidays let you down? Do you feel like the magic and mystique of Christmas has faded with maturity and age? Well fear not my fine friends. National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is here to save you. National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is a day of light hearted fun and a day to be yourself and not that buttoned up corporate version of yourself you have grown to despise. Most importantly, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is a day to make the holidays fun...the way they were intended to be! So this National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, leave the school uniform at home, keep the preppy office blouse in your closet, and whatever you do, don't even think about taking your suit to work. All you need to wear is your ugly Christmas sweater because this is your day, this is our day, this is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.

December 2025 calendar

When is this magical day?

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is celebrated on the third Friday of December each year. In 2025, it falls on Friday, Dec 19th.

How can I participate?

Participating in National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is quite easy. By following the three easy steps below, you can be an active participant in the world's greatest holiday.

  • Buy an ugly christmas sweater

    Check out our list of preferred vendors for ideas of where to pick up an ugly Christmas sweater for men or women. Tipsy Elves is the official sponsor of National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and their sweaters have been featured on ABC's Shark Tank, where they received an investment from one of the sharks on the show. They have hundreds of hilarious, cute and festive ugly Christmas sweaters to choose from. They also allow you to subscribe to their email list and receive 20% off of your first order with them.

  • Wear your sweater for the entire day

    Rock your sweater all day and all night, from the time you wake up till the time you sleep. No breaks. No copouts. No excuses. The sweater must stay on.

  • Share this day with your friends

    Share this special day with friends and help us spread the word. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people participate in National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, and with your help, we can put this holiday on the calendar for years to come!